Saturday, December 12, 2015

Woodworking Business Tips: Specialize In A Niche & Start From Your Garage

This article will tells you the two essentials tips when you are about to start a woodworking business. The first is the importance of specializing in a woodworking niche and the second is save your cost by starts small, run your woodworking business from your garage.

Tips 1: Specializing In A Woodworking Niche

Woodworking is a broad subject that will need you to be specific if you want to get optimal profits. Woodworking can cover anything from making toys all the way to furniture and more. With such a broad subject, you need to be very clear on the kind of woodworking business that you want to do. You need to have a niche. A niche in this case will mean that you need to identify the parts that are not adequately covered in the business, and maximizing your efforts in the same
Your woodworking niche will require you to firstly identify the areas that are not covered. For instance, if you are considering specializing in garden benches woodworking, you must take into account if people within your locality have gardens. If they do, check the kind of gardens that they keep. In most cases you may realize that even if they do already have garden benches, they do not have good benches.

With this in mind, you can then go about providing them with good benches. Another case in mind is toys for children. You need to carefully determine if there are many children within your area. If there is then you will definitely be worthwhile making toys to sell.
Having a niche is very important as then you will be able to know the right kind of SEO techniques to use. Know that in order to have good recognition in the internet, using optimization methods is a must. SEO knowledge will help you attract the right kind of traffic to your website.
Without a niche to guide you, somewhere along the way you will lose focus. You need to have your eyes set on the ball. The ball in this case will mean the right kind of woodwork projects. you should take extra caution when seeking a niche for your woodworking business. Make sure that the project you decide to indulge in is the best for you. Some projects will need you to have power machines and others are easy to do with simple hand tools.
In woodworking business, having a sense of direction is always positive. It is also easier to have a plan to follow that will always tell you the stage that you have reached in your business. Niche marketing is very important for your business. Make sure that you identify the right kind of niche before you even begin buying your tools. 

Tips 2: Start Your Woodworking Business From Your Garage

With these hard economic times, finding something that you can do to see you earn extra money is great. Woodworking is one of the most loveable arts that you can engage in. Many people love woodworking and see it as a hobby. Nonetheless, you have to know that there is high demand for good quality woodwork projects. The woodwork projects that you can engage in vary from toys all the way to household furniture.
If you are just starting up then you will want to cut down on costs. One of the best ways to cut down on costs is to get a cheap workshop. A great place that will see you save on the rental costs is your own garage. yes, you can transform your garage to become your workshop.
Having your garage as your workshop has many advantages and the one that is most obvious is that you are able to save on costs. At the same time you are able to work from home, which reduces the pressure of having to go to your workplace each and every day.
If you work from your garage there are certain things that you need to consider. One of the most important things is that you need to realize that you will not be in a position to make more bulky wood projects as you are limited by space. Working from your garage also means that you need to use small tools that do not produce much noise that will disturb your neighbors. Keep in mind that large power machinery usually comes with a lot of noise that may disturb other people.
There are so many things that you can build from your workshop. One of the best projects that will utilize the space that you have is toys projects. Toys will not take a lot of space in your workshop and will not require usage of power tools. There are so many other small projects that you can do right from your garage, you just need to have the plans.
The internet is one of the best places where you can get woodworking plans from as it is a source for small projects. As a beginner, starting from your garage will give you a better chance to make profits, allowing you to get a bigger rental workshop as the business expands.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Woodworking Project That Sell (Part 5)

In this article I'll share about free detailed woodworking plan for making chair side bookcase. You may find this is suitable for your kids room.

Chair Side Bookcase Woodworking Plan

If priced correctly, this versatile and functional bookcase will sell pretty well. The tip is to market it as kids furniture. We sell quite a few of these woodworking project to parents. You'll get high margins with this project.

How many times have you stretched out on your favorite easy chair, only to realize that the book or magazine you wanted to read is on the other side of the room? With this attractive chair side bookcase, reading material is always within reach. In addition, the top shelf can be used to display knick knacks, small plants, or even a reading lamp

Chair Side Bookcase woodworking steps:

  1. To begin, cut the pieces to size according to the dimensions given.
  2. Drill 3/8" diameter dowel holes 1-1/16" deep in the ends and sides of the end rails (A). using dowel centers, transfer the centers of the holes to the stiles (B). Be sure to mark the centers accurately to ensure proper assembly.
  3. Assemble the end rails, rods (E) and rails with dowels by gluing and clamping in place. Allow the glue sufficient time to dry before continuing.
  4. Drill pilot holes in the rails and shelves (C) for the bracket screws, and attach the brackets to the stiles.
  5. Attach the shelf backs (D) to the stiles with 6d finishing nails
  6. To complete the assembly, attach the shelves to the brackets with screws.
  7. Sand with 150 grit paper, followed by 180 grit. Finish as Desired

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Free Woodworking Plan: Miniature Mantle Clock

Sometimes, when I am sitting alone in my workshop, I take up one or more pieces of choice wood and feast my eyes on the various colors that make up the character of the grain. 

To hold the wood up to the light and see the way the grain shimmers and glows, to see how two pieces of wood look when they are held side by side - and then to imagine how the wood might be used for a special project - these are unique quality time experiences that should not be missed

The project draws its inspiration from one of my alone in the workshop musings. The problem was how to bring together three relatively small pieces of choice exotic wood - a scrap of ebony salvaged from an old long gone piece of furniture, a silver of silver sycamore veneer left over from a marquetry project, and a short length of dark wood that I've been using to prop open the door. 

Anyway, I tossed all sorts of ideas around in my head -  a small piece of laminated jewelry? a turning? a handle for a knife? a drawer pull? And then it came to me.. why not make a small clock case!

Dont Start Woodworking Business Without Business Plan

Failed to plan means planning something failed. Have you heard about that? That is also applicable in business. 

Having a business plan before you start any business, including woodworking business, should typically form an essential part any business startup. 

Statistics (gathered from various sources) revealed that 60% of business owners, including small / home woodworking business, who used a formal business plan say that he/she made a major difference to the success of his/her business.

Going through the process of making a woodworking business plan will help you to identify several common setbacks and potential problems that you might have otherwise overlooked. Yes, a woodworking business plan does not guarantee success but it plays pivotal role so that you can avoid some common problems of business failures such as under capitalization and lack of market research

Even if you just wanna start a woodworking business from your garage, business plan is essential as due to following reasons:

  • A business plan is vital for securing finance. If you're seeking finance for your business, a business plan is an essential document to help you convince lenders and investors that you should be taken seriously. Whether you're new to business or have been operating for years, lenders and investors will only risk their time and money if they are convinced your business will be successful and profitable.
  • A business plan provides a road map for success. A complete, thoughtful business plan is one of the most valuable tools in helping you reach your long term goals. It gives your business direction, defines your objectives, maps out strategies to achieve your goals and helps you to manage possible bumps in the road.
  • A business plan gives you control of your business. Business planning can seem overwhelming and time consuming, but many successful business look at it as an opportunity. The planning process helps you learn about the different forces and factors that may affect your success. If you're already in business, it helps you to step back and look at what's working and what you can improve on. Instead of worrying about the future, a business plan helps to give you a sense of control over your business and your livelihood. Writing and researching for your business plan gives you the chance to: (1) learn about your industry, market, and competitors (2) write down exactly where you are in the market and where you're headed (3) identify challenges you may come across and work out strategies to avoid or overcome them (4)understand your business finances, including managing cash flow and determining your break even point (5) Set specific goals, time frame for achieving them and how you'll measure performance (6) make sound business decisions that focus your activities, maximize your resources and give you a competitive edge

Monday, June 1, 2015

7 Common Mistakes When Starting A Woodworking Business

Before launching your own woodworking business, you need to ask few basic questions and get clear answers.

All too often, web woodworking forums are loaded with questions from folks thinking about starting a woodworking business.

This article tries to answer common questions, specifically related to common mistakes when you are going to start your woodworking business. Here is the 7 common mistakes:

The 7 Common Mistakes

Mistake 1: Having The Wrong Attitude. 

This is the number 1 mistake since wrong attitude can kill your woodworking business before you even get started. Success is 95 percent attitude and 5 percent aptitude. If you don't believe, in your heart, that you will succeed, guess what will happen to your woodworking business? You won't of course ! Before taking another step, learn the art of positive thinking. Master the "can do" attitude, because a positive attitude will open the door to a successful woodworking business.

Mistake 2: Having a Hobby Mentality. 

Starting a woodworking business most of all is started with a hobby or passion. That's is fine, however when you run your woodworking business you won't make a good, comfortable living at it unless you change your perspective and treat it like a business. You go into business for one reason: Making Profit. You need to pursue for efficiency, be effective, understand the market, know how to sell your products, etc. in addition to your passion to woodworking. Develop your business mentality first and you're one step closer to success

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Woodworking Projects That Sell (Part 4)

Picture Frames Woodworking Plan

Everyone needs more picture frames ! That's why I share picture frames woodworking plan in Woodworking Projects that Sell blog post series. By far this is one of our highest volume in sales. The best thing about it is that it is super make with versatility for different designs

Painted Pine Frames Woodworking Plan

Our first two frames are made from pine and are great candidates for a paint finish. They feature standard moldings available at wellstocked home centers. for all the frames its best to cut the rough materials about 2 or 3 in longer than necessary before ripping to width or machining.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Woodworking Projects That Sell (Part 3)

This is the third post on woodworking projects that sell topic. In this article I'll share the detailed step by step woodworking plan for Heart Shaped Cheese Box as shown on below picture

Heart shaped Cheese Box Woodworking Plan

This woodworking project had its beginnings in our ever pressing need to tidy up our workshop. The problem was, of course, what to do with the mountain of offcuts? I'm sure you know what I mean. The chair, table, box or whatever is finished, and you are left with great heaps of wood. Okay maybe the longer lengths can be used for the next job in line, and the shaving can be used as fuel or as bedding for your chickens, and the dust can be swept up and put in the trash, but what to do with the medium size bits and pieces that look too good to throw away?

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Woodworking Projects That Sell (Part 2)

This is the second post on woodworking projects that sell. This time I'll share the Baby Cradles Woodworking Plan. Enjoy !

Baby Cradles Woodworking Plan

Baby cradles is one of the most selling woodworking projects since parents and grandmas gobble these crafts up like candy. Even better, baby cradles sell well all year round and parents with kids will not hesitate to spend on well crafted baby cradles for their kids. This has always been the secret to success in woodworking business. Target the right market and your profits will follow

The lightly arched canopy protects a baby's sensitive eyes from harsh light. The convenient treadle bars allow you to rock the cradle with one foot while reading or knitting. In short its the perfect way to rock your child to sleep


  1. Use the patterns provided to cut the shapes of the sides (A), headboard (B), and foot board (C) to the dimensions provided. Cut the angle ends and bevel edges as shown

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Woodworking Projects That Sell (Part 1)

In this article I’ll share two wooden toy woodworking projects that sell and these are low cost projects which are simple to build. Snazz it up with a cost of creative paint and you will get high margin on these toys. Have you seen the prices on premium wood toys for kids these days? They are exorbitant and it is a huge market. Why not join in with these 2 woodworking projects as a start.

Extractor / Earth Mover Woodworking Plan


This earth mover wooden toy features a moveable shovel that stops in different positions. This woodworking project should successfully accommodate most of your child’s heavy earth moving needs for quite sometimes. It is pictured here built in clear pine but it can be built in a wide variety of woods, soft maple would be an excellent alternate choice.

Begin construction of earth mover woodworking project with the body. Rip an 18” length of ¾” stock 4-1/2” wide then set the saw for a 30 degree bevel. Make a crosscut to produce the mitered ends. Cut from the remainder then make a series of 1/8” deep kerf cuts spaced 1/8” apart to detail the radiator grille. Cut the side pieces to size then bore the axle holes before assembly. Use a belt sander or hand plane (or both to form the front end curves. Cut the cab and remaining body parts to size then use the router with a 5/32” corner rounding bit to ease all sharp corners before completing the body assembly.